Set Up your custom Roles

This section guides you through customizing the permissions of the default roles in Scoutflo: Super Admin, Workspace Owner, Workspace User, and View-Only. You will understand how to modify existing roles and their associated permissions.

Step-by-Step Process to Customize Role Permissions

Step 1: Access the Workspace Settings

  • Navigate to the Settings page of your Account or Workspace.

  • Look for the RBAC section.

Step 2: List of Roles

  • You will see a table titled Roles Overview with the following columns:



Displays the name of each role (e.g., Super Admin, Workspace Owner).

Counter of Members with this Role

Shows the number of members assigned to this role.

Applied to

Indicates whether this role is applied at the Account or Workspace level.

Created/Updated At

Timestamp showing when the role was created or last updated.

CTA Buttons (Edit/Delete)

Edit: Takes the user to the individual role screen; Delete: Allows deletion of a role.

  • CTA Button - "+ Create New Role" (Coming Soon): We will give you the option to create new custom roles soon.

Step 3: Edit a Role

  • Click on the Edit button next to the role you wish to modify. This takes you to the Individual Role Section.

Individual Role Sections

Details Section

  • Metadata

    • Name: The role's name (editable).

    • Description: Optional field to describe the role's purpose.

    • Role-ID: A non-editable unique identifier for the role.

Permission Mesh

  • A grid or list displaying permissions available for the role, categorized by actions.

  • Update: Saves changes made to the role (e.g., permission updates, name changes).

  • Delete: Deletes the role if allowed by platform rules.

Last updated