
Configuring GitOps Workflow in Scoutflo

Scoutflo leverages GitOps principles to manage your infrastructure and application deployments on Kubernetes. This approach ensures version control, collaboration, and a clear audit trail for your deployments.

Here's a breakdown of the information required to configure GitOps within Scoutflo:

1. Git Provider:

Scoutflo currently integrates with GitHub as the Git provider for GitOps workflows.

2. Git Repository Details:

  • Git Host: This field will automatically display the URL of your chosen Git provider, which in this case will be "".

  • GitHub Organization Name: Enter the name of the GitHub organization where your Git repository resides. Important Note: We strongly recommend creating a dedicated organization for your Scoutflo deployments separate from the organization containing your source code. This separation improves security and access control.

3. Authentication:

  • GitHub Username: Provide the username associated with your GitHub account.

  • Personal Access Token (PAT): A Personal Access Token (PAT) is an alternative authentication method for GitHub that doesn't require exposing your main password. You'll need to create a PAT with the appropriate permissions for Scoutflo to access your repositories.

How to Create a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT):

  1. Log in to your GitHub account.

  2. Navigate to Settings and then Developer settings or Personal access tokens (depending on your interface).

  3. Click on "Generate new token".

  4. Give your token a descriptive name, such as "Scoutflo_Deployment_Token".

  5. Grant the following scopes:

    • repo: Allows Scoutflo to access your public and private repositories.

    • workflow: Allows Scoutflo to interact with your GitHub Actions workflows (optional, depending on your workflow setup).

  6. Review the permissions and click "Generate token".

  7. Securely copy and store your generated token. Do not share this token with anyone or embed it directly in your code. Consider using a password manager or a secrets management tool.

Last updated