Cluster Creation

User Guide: Creating a Cluster on Scoutflo Deploy

This guide walks you through creating a new EKS cluster on Scoutflo Deploy.

1. Accessing Cluster Creation:

  • Navigate to the "Add Cluster" section within Scoutflo Deploy.

  • Click on the "Create Cluster" button.

2. Cluster Configuration Options:

  • You'll be presented with two options for cluster configuration:

    • Standard Configuration: Scoutflo Deploy offers pre-defined standard configurations optimized for different scales of operation.

  • Custom Configuration: This option allows you to define your cluster configuration settings.

3. Standard Configuration Selection (if chosen):

  • Scoutflo Deploy will display a list of standard configurations with details including:

    • Instance Type (e.g., t3a.large) with vCPU, memory, and storage information.

    • Storage type (e.g., EBS Only Storage).

    • Processor architecture (e.g., AMD).

  • Below the configuration list, you'll see a detailed cost breakdown provided by Kubecost. This breakdown estimates the AWS cloud cost associated with running the cluster using the selected configuration.

  • As you select different configurations, the cost breakdown will automatically update to reflect the chosen option.

  • Once you've selected a standard configuration and reviewed the estimated cost, click the "Create Cluster" button to initiate the cluster creation process.

5. Custom Configuration:

  • If you choose the "Custom Configuration" option, you'll be able to define specific settings for your cluster, including:

    • Instance type selection with various options.

    • Number of nodes (e.g., 1, 3, 5).

    • Other customizable cluster parameters (details may vary depending on Scoutflo Deploy).

  • Scoutflo Deploy will provide a real-time estimated cost based on your custom configuration choices.

6. Cluster Details and Confirmation:

  • Regardless of choosing a standard or custom configuration, you'll need to provide the following cluster details:

    • AWS Access Key (Required):* Enter the access key ID for your AWS account with EKS cluster management permissions.

    • AWS Secret Key (Required):* Enter the secret access key associated with the access key ID provided above (keep it confidential).

    • Credentials Name (Required):* Enter a descriptive name to identify these AWS credentials for the cluster.

    • Hosted Zone (Required):* Provide a hosted zone name if you want to associate the cluster with a specific DNS zone (refer to Scoutflo Deploy documentation for details if needed).

    • Cluster Name (Required):* Enter a unique name for your EKS cluster.

    • AWS Region (Required):* Specify the AWS region where you want to create the cluster.

    • Select Region (Required): This field likely confirms the chosen AWS region based on your previous selection.

7. External Add-ons:

Scoutflo Deploy automatically installs some pre-configured add-ons for your convenience:

  • Kubecost: Helps monitor and optimize your cluster's cost efficiency.

  • Grafana: Provides visualization tools for cluster metrics and performance.

8. Creating the Cluster:

  • Once you've reviewed the configuration details, estimated cost, and add-ons, and provided the required information, click the "Create Cluster" button to initiate the cluster creation process.

Last updated