ArgoCD with Scoutflo Deploy: GitOps

Scoutflo Deploy: Unleashing Efficiency with GitOps and ArgoCD

Scoutflo Deploy empowers you to streamline your infrastructure and application management by embracing GitOps, a powerful approach that leverages Git as your single source of truth. This integration with ArgoCD, a leading GitOps continuous delivery (CD) tool, unlocks a multitude of benefits, fostering collaboration, reliability, and simplified deployments.

GitOps offers a paradigm shift in managing your infrastructure and applications. Here's how it empowers you:

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Git serves as the central hub for configuration files. Developers can propose changes through pull requests, enabling better tracking, streamlined approvals, and fostering collaboration across teams.

  • Improved Reliability: Git's robust version control and rollback capabilities provide a safety net. If an issue arises, reverting to a previous configuration is effortless, allowing developers to focus on crafting a fix.

  • Standardized Deployments: GitOps allows you to define your infrastructure as code, simplifying environment provisioning for developers. Consistent deployments across development, testing, and production environments streamline your release cycles.

  • Robust Compliance: With Git as the single source of truth, security is strengthened. Every change is meticulously tracked, providing clear audit trails for enhanced compliance.

  • Reduced Downtime: ArgoCD's pull-based approach minimizes the risk of errors associated with manual deployments. Additionally, GitOps enables faster rollbacks during failures, ensuring minimal downtime.

Advantages of GitOps:





  • All Changes happen via Git, allows a standardised way to manage application and Infrastructure as code.

  • PRs are the way any change will be pushed, allows better tracking and collaboration across teams.

  • Same level of scrutiny is maintained.

  • Every Dev can propose a change to application config and infra allowing better collaboration. The final access to merge stays limited - allowing a streamlined process to production

  • Lead Time to production.

  • Developer Experience [eNPS score]


  • Git allows easy versioning and rollback facilities.

  • Rules for your entire system is in Git, allowing you to quickly get the system back up and running, allowing the devs to push the new fix in the mean time.

  • MTTR is reduced.


  • GitOps allows you to define your infrastructure as code - makes it easier for devs to get their environments provisioned.

  • Environments get created and deployed in the same way application code goes out.

  • Release Frequency increases

  • Developer control is higher.

  • DevOps burnout reduces.

Robust & Improved Compliance

  • Git as SSOT improves security.

  • Every change between Actual and Desired state is captured - allowing greater visibility to changes across any file.

  • All Security policies can be defined inside the code and stored in Git.

  • Git follows a “Pull Operator” approach, allowing everything to defined with security inside the code. [unlike a “Push” based traditional CI/CD processes]

  • Uptime and SLAs

  • Lead Time

Improved Auditing

  • Git Logs help you see who did what change and who approved the change. This gives a robust way of checking all the audit logs.

  • ArgoCD type tools allows every change to be reviewed as a “Diff” and apply it on each service level. Logs are created for each small change backed by the PR that links to that change.

  • MTTR

Scoutflo Deploy and ArgoCD

Scoutflo Deploy seamlessly integrates with ArgoCD to translate the advantages of GitOps into a user-friendly experience:

  • Effortless Onboarding: Deploy ArgoCD as a cluster add-on within Scoutflo Deploy. Establish a connection between ArgoCD and your cluster, and connect your Git organization for streamlined access to your repositories.

  • Intuitive Application Deployment: Leverage Scoutflo's Helm repository as the base or connect your own. Select the application, create a Git or Helm repository to store the Helm charts, and define your desired configuration. Scoutflo Deploy presents the values.yaml file during the pre-deployment stage, offering a GUI for fixed values. With a click, create an ArgoCD application referencing the Git/Helm repository.

  • Real-time Deployment Monitoring: During deployment, Scoutflo Deploy retrieves logs from ArgoCD, displaying the deployment status for each service, and providing clear visibility into the process.

  • Post-Deployment Management: Scoutflo Deploy translates ArgoCD's application statuses for user-friendly interpretation:

    Product Status



    When all the services are getting deployed. This status stays till all the services are up and running


    We call an app in the “active” state when all the services are “Healthy” - ArgoCD gives this response.


    Catch the error from ArgoCD logs and store that state. We need to show the error message along with the status

    OutofSync [ArgoCD]

    If any changes are made in the desired state via Git or direct change through YAML on Scoutflo, the status on ArgoCD will show this. Scoutflo shows the same.

  • Resource Health: Scoutflo Deploy leverages ArgoCD's health statuses (Healthy/Progressing/Degraded/Suspended) and allows for further customization to suit your specific needs.

Naming Conventions:

  • Scoutflo Deploy utilizes the naming convention scoutflo-argocd-{owner-uuid}-{owner-clusterid} to uniquely identify ArgoCD instances deployed by users within their clusters.

By embracing GitOps with ArgoCD integration, Scoutflo Deploy empowers you to manage your infrastructure and applications with greater efficiency, enhanced collaboration across teams, and improved reliability. This powerful synergy fosters a streamlined workflow, reduces downtime, and strengthens security, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional applications.

Last updated