App Deployment


  1. Create cluster flow: In this initial step, you'll set up a new Kubernetes cluster or use an existing one. If you're creating a new cluster, you can either set it up manually or use a pre-packaged cluster solution.

  1. Select the App for deployment: Browse through the available applications or services and choose the one you want to deploy on your Kubernetes cluster. This could be a web application, a microservice, a database, or any other software component.

  1. Select the Cluster for deployment: From the list of available Kubernetes clusters, select the specific cluster where you want to deploy your chosen application. This could be a cluster running on your local machine, a cloud-hosted cluster, or an on-premises cluster within your organization.

  1. Check if DB is required: The platform will analyze the application you've selected and determine if it requires a database or not. If a database is needed, you'll proceed to the next steps for database setup.

  1. Connect to existing DB: If your application requires an existing database, you'll have the option to connect to it instead of creating a new one.

  2. Create a new Database: If your application requires a database, you'll have the option to create a new database instance or connect to an existing one. This could involve provisioning a new database service (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB) or using an existing database cluster.

  3. Set DB Configuration & Whitelisted IPs: After selecting or creating the database, you'll need to configure it for your application. This may include setting up database credentials, configuring network access (e.g., whitelisting IP addresses), and making any other necessary database-specific configurations.

  1. Apply Advanced settings like Autoscaling & Availability: Depending on your application's requirements, you can configure advanced settings such as autoscaling (automatically scaling your application's resources based on demand) and high availability (ensuring your application remains accessible even if some components fail).

  2. Set the Environment Variables: Many applications require environment variables to be set for proper configuration and operation. In this step, you'll provide the necessary environment variables specific to your application, such as database connection strings, API keys, or other sensitive information.

  1. Deploy the application: After completing the necessary configurations, you can initiate the deployment process. This will package your application and its dependencies, and deploy them onto the selected Kubernetes cluster.

  2. Logs Screen: Once the deployment is in progress, you'll be able to access and monitor the application's log files. This can be useful for troubleshooting any issues that may arise during the deployment process.

  1. Post-Deployment screen: After a successful deployment, you'll be presented with a post-deployment screen that may include additional information, such as the application's URL or access instructions.

Authentication Credentials

Scoutflo Deploy empowers you to securely access your deployed applications with unique Authentication Credentials. This section provides the necessary credentials to log in to your application after a successful deployment.

Understanding Authentication Credentials:

  • Generated for Each Deployment: Scoutflo Deploy generates a unique key-value pair specifically for each application you deploy. This ensures that only authorized users with the correct credentials can access the application.

  • Secured on the UI: The Authentication Credentials are presented securely within the Scoutflo Deploy user interface (UI). You can access and copy these credentials for use when logging in to your deployed application.

Using Authentication Credentials:

  1. Deployment Completion: Once your application deployment is complete, navigate to the "My Applications" section within Scoutflo Deploy.

  2. Locate Credentials: On the "My Application" Table, find the "Authentication Credentials" section. This section will display the key-value pair required to log in.

  3. Copy and Use Credentials: Securely copy the credentials from Scoutflo Deploy. Use this to authenticate yourself when logging in to your application frontend for the first time.

  1. Deployment error screen: If any errors or issues occur during the deployment process, an error screen will be displayed, providing details about the problem and potential troubleshooting steps.

Last updated