Steps to create an IAM user and Access Keys on AWS

Getting started

Before you begin, this page assumes the following:

  • You have an active AWS account

  • The AWS region that you’ll be using for your EKS cluster is listed on Scoutflo Deploy

Connect your AWS account

To link your AWS account to Scoutflo Deploy, you need to provide an AWS access key id and secret access key with the required IAM permissions.

You can link more than one AWS account as well by saving your key pair as a Secret. Scoutflo Deploy will store the encrypted Secret as a key pair linked with your Scoutflo Atlas account that you can access anytime later, without the need to fetch and type the keys again.

Create your AWS credentials - access key id and secret access key

  1. Go to IAM

  1. Create an Admins group without any permissions

  1. Create one IAM user called scoutflo

  1. Set up IAM permissions for the scoutflo user. Then, follow the arrows in the AWS console to create AWS credentials with the required IAM permissions:

  1. To create an access key ID and secret access key, go to the Security Credentials tab of the Scoutflo user and press Create access key

  1. You can now save the access key ID and secret access key

  1. Well done!! You now have your AWS access key ID and secret access key and your permissions are set up; It is time to connect Scoutflo Deploy to your AWS account!

Last updated