Connect Cluster

New Cluster Details:

  1. Hosted Zone (Optional): This field might be optional depending on the platform or service being used. If required, it likely refers to a hosted zone within a DNS service (e.g., Route 53 on AWS) that you want to associate with the cluster.

  2. Credentials Name (Required)*: Enter a descriptive name to identify these AWS credentials for the cluster. This helps you keep track of different credential sets you might use.

  3. AWS Access Key (Required)*: Enter the access key ID for your AWS account that has the necessary permissions to manage the EKS cluster.

  4. AWS Secret Key (Required)*: Enter the secret access key associated with the access key ID provided above. Important: Keep this secret key confidential and avoid sharing it in plain text.

  5. AWS Region (Required)*: Specify the AWS region where your existing EKS cluster is located. This helps the platform identify the cluster and access resources within that specific region.

  6. Select Region (Pre-populated based on AWS Region)*: This field might be pre-populated based on the value entered in the "AWS Region" field (item 5). It likely serves as a confirmation step to ensure the selected region is correct.

  7. Cluster Name (Required)*: Enter the name of your existing EKS cluster. The platform will use this name to identify and connect to the cluster.

External Add-ons:-

  1. Kubecost

  2. Grafana

We add the above products out of the box to enable cluster observability features.

Critical Tradeoffs: Adding an Existing Cluster vs. Creating a Cluster in Scoutflo Deploy.

Scoutflo Deploy empowers you to streamline your application deployments by offering two flexible cluster integration options: adding an existing Amazon EKS cluster or creating a new one within the platform. Let's explore the advantages of each approach to help you make an informed decision:

Adding an Existing EKS Cluster:

  • Faster Setup: If you already have a configured and managed EKS cluster, adding it to Scoutflo Deploy can be quicker than creating a brand-new one. This allows you to leverage your existing infrastructure for deployments right away.

  • Resource Utilization: You can seamlessly integrate your existing EKS cluster resources, including compute instances, network configurations, and security settings, into Scoutflo Deploy. This avoids the need to provision new resources if your existing cluster can handle your deployments.

Creating a New EKS Cluster with Scoutflo Deploy:

  • Optimal Configuration: Scoutflo Deploy guides you through the EKS cluster creation process, ensuring it's configured and secured according to best practices and your specific deployment requirements. This optimizes the cluster for seamless integration with Scoutflo Deploy's functionalities.

  • Guaranteed Compatibility: Compatibility concerns are eliminated since the cluster is created specifically for use with Scoutflo Deploy. You can be confident that all features will work as intended, ensuring a smooth deployment experience.

  • Simplified Management: Scoutflo Deploy takes care of all aspects of the cluster lifecycle, including creation, management, and upgrades. This simplifies cluster management and frees you to focus on your deployments.

  • Cost and Performance Optimization: Scoutflo Deploy can help you create a cluster configuration that is optimized for both cost and performance. This can potentially lead to lower costs through efficient resource allocation and improved application performance within your deployments.

  • Enhanced Visibility and Troubleshooting: Having full control and visibility over the cluster through Scoutflo Deploy simplifies troubleshooting and issue resolution, allowing you to pinpoint and address issues quickly.

Choosing the Right Approach:

The ideal option depends on your specific needs and priorities. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Existing EKS Cluster Availability: Do you already have a functioning EKS cluster with sufficient capacity for your deployments?

  • Control and Visibility: How important is it for you to have full control and visibility over the cluster configuration?

  • External Management Complexity: Are you comfortable managing dependencies on an external EKS cluster management system?

General Recommendation:

Creating a new cluster within Scoutflo Deploy is recommended for most users. This ensures optimal compatibility, performance, improved cost efficiency, and simplified management for your deployments. However, adding an existing cluster can be a suitable option if time is a critical constraint and you have a well-managed, compatible EKS cluster with sufficient resources.

By understanding the advantages of each approach, you can make an informed decision that best suits your deployment needs and preferences. Scoutflo Deploy empowers you with flexibility and control, making application deployments a breeze!

Last updated